Harness the power of the sun, CLEAN, FREE energy for everyone
Residential or commercial the sun does not discriminate and Solar Ready can design, build and Install a quality solar system to meet your needs.
- Your choice of a Grid tied, battery, or off grid system will allow you to be more eco friendly while taking control of your power bills
Types of Solar Systems
Grid tied
This is where you have the benefit of using both the solar generated from your solar panels as well as having the certainty of being connected to the grid for when your power usage exceeds that of your solar generation.
Self consumption during day light hours is your goal, use as much power as you can during the day while drawing from the grid at night.
Cheap night time power plans can help even further to reduce bills so shop around or ask us.
These systems are perfect for day time commercial operations as well as residential situations where people are home during the day or timers can be set up.
Any excess solar that is generated during the day that is not self consumed is then sold back to your energy retailer which you will see as a rebate on your next bill.
We have tricks and tips to help you get the most out of the self consumption system.
Cost $$ – this is the most cost effective solutions as a result of having no night time storage

Safe Free Energy
Residentials Solustions
Grid power when needed
Battery or Hybrid systems
Grid tied hybrid system
These systems preform the same as a grid tied system but with additional benefits
Excess solar
When there is excess solar being generated the inverter will first divert this power to charge your batteries before sending it back to the grid. This means that when the sun goes down, depending on the battery size, you can still take full advantage of free power well into the night from your batteries.
Back-up circuit
Because you now have batteries, power outages can be a thing of the past. A back-up circuit can be set up from your inverter to allow things like light, internet and fridge circuits to continue to operate during a planned or unplanned outage
Mains cable capacity
Where power demand exceeds that of the mains cable capability, a hybrid system can be installed to not only supplement the extra demand but also reduce the total demand on your line. Great for rural or commercial situations where heavy power hungry machinery is needed but the mains cable is under spec’d for the job and far to costly to upgrade.
Who would use this system?
These systems are very popular with the rural communities where power outages are common and also where power demand exceeds that of what the mains are capable of.
Off grid
Off grid solar
Off grid
Off grid, unlike a grid tied system , means you have full independence from any power retailer, you are in control or all you power costs.
Battery storage
Given there are no ties to the power network, you will require a large amount of energy storage. This significantly increases your solar installation costs
Power bill
The positive to this is that you will never see another power bill.
Cost $$$$$$
Highest cost system - this is due to the increased requirement for battery storage
Hawke’s Bay Regional Counci
Solar Ready is approved by Hawke's Bay Regional Council, which means our customers have access to their sustainable homes program. This program enables them to potentially borrow up to $20,000 at a fixed rate and have it added to their regional council rates over a period of 10 years. As with any financial options, terms and conditions do apply.

ANZ offers up to $80,000 for solar at a rate of 1% over 3 years with their ANZ Good Energy Loan

ASB offers up to $80,000 for solar at a rate of 1% fixed for 3 years with ASB Better Homes Top Up